Thursday, March 04, 2004

YAY!!! no more midterms for me.... Hehe... have to clear up my room though, it's littered with paper and notes and I can't see my desk at all. I actually managed to stay away from the computer last night.

Dinner at Beau Monde was GREEAT! I really appreciate the fact that the PSC officers came over... though I must say they looked pretty tired of the travelling. Steven was so friendly :) After talking to him I'm thinking twice about doing my masters. I dunno... its like I'm not really interested in doing Masters, the only reason I can think of for doing it is cos of the "prestige", you know, cos like they say, you can't not have it if other ppl have it! But sigh... what i really want to do is do a GAP year attachment thing... in another country. Gotta think about this carefully man. Actually i think it'll be fun to do a semester abroad in China and then do a 6 mth GAP attachment thing... ARGH. Dammit this sounds so much more exciting than going to stanford or cambridge or yale or penn or whatever to do masters!! Oh no I am starting to feel the "new things to do!!!" emotion sweeping over me. I was thinking of doing internship with Internatianal Labor Organization... or IMF, or World Bank... or United Nations. So many things to do and so little time!!! Like recently I've been feeling that all these classes thing is such a waste of my 4 years here. I mean, there are some classes that I really like... but then there are those I HAVE to take and HAVE to spend time on them. I really want to see the world and experience as much as I can before I go home for good.

Greece Greece? Or Egypt... I feel like going somewhere in May. Hehe... somewhere no one usually goes... Vietnam? Argentina? I want to just get up and GO!!

Haha.. I think finishing a midterm does wonders for me. Life suddenly brightens up and I feel like I can do so many things with my life again. Starting with hitting the gym after work... 7777777777. I hope my toe blister won't burst though.


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