Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feeling rather upbeat now... meeting turned out really good and we got lots of things sorted out. I'm glad that people could put their differences aside and communicate more. I'm so unproductive on the studying front lately... like it takes me 3 hours to read what would have taken be 1 hour to read last time. Sigh... and I have this constant urge to read CNN or Straits Times or surf for general knowledge stuff... like ESPN and exotic travel locations etc. I need to go cold turkey treatment man... like 5 days without the computer or something.

I can't wait to buy my air ticket. Thinking of taking a short trip to HongKong or Thailand or Taiwan with Nick.... but i have a feeling once i reach home, I'll just want to stay home and not go anywhere. I kind of what to explore Singapore a bit and see how much things have changed. There used to be this small patch of "jungle" near my house, but it has sinced been replaced with roads and factories. I absolutely hated it. So much for the Garden City....

Straits Times said that MOE wants to think of new ways to teach Chinese AGAIN. First they introduce higher chinese and "express" chinese, then comes B syllabus... what next? Sometimes I think the problem is not that the material is too hard, in fact when you start giving leeway to ppl... students may end up choosing the easy path just cos they wanna take things easy. I think the problem lies with the teachers. Its the way they teach Chinese... some just read from the shou ce, and keep giving assignments. But some are able to incorporate games and i dunno... interesting stuff. And this is especially important in primary school!! Like I look at my sister now, all she does for chinese is ting xie ting xie, write xi zi... its not surprising children dun take a liking to the subject.

Dunno lah. I'm glad my chinese isn't too bad. I still feel speaking in Mandarin is a lot more qin qie.


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