Friday, February 20, 2004

Here I am again... I actually went for review session yesterday :) And I actually finished the past year midterms before the midterm. Wow... feeling productive and proud of it. I'm doing work cos I want to feel productive!!! How silly is that... I should be studying cos I WANT to learn... blah blah blah. At work now, one hour interval before taking out my Western blot which is bathing comfortably in milk now. I should be studying for midterm tomorrow yet i'm sitting in front of the comp.

The more advanced technology gets, the more frustration it may create, cos we all have higher and higher expectations of it. Skype and webcam... I thought it was like THE PROGRAM AND GADGET that will shrink 10000 miles into the width of a laptop screen, but everytime I use it it seems to rebel and refuse to behave properly. Static...broken words... disconnections. And what's with T-mobile? Don't I deserve some time on the phone with my buddee? Not like I talk to him much anymore. AND I HEREBY DECLARE I HATE SAF. screw national defence and crap like that. (I will take this off when I feel better).


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