Thursday, February 12, 2004

Valentine's Day's round the corner, and the campus is decorated with "Roses for Sale" posters or "Buy a Candigram for ur loved one" posters. Pink helium balloons... Chocolate strawberries... Blue roses.. Kisses and Hugs....
Everyone's seems to be writing about their love lives and their past relationships and how warm and tender love sends a jiggle down your spine and what not. This Valentine's Day to me is slightly different. No kisses and presents and hugs... but yet it'll be a happy one. I feel loved, not just because I have a boyfriend who loves me... but because I have such a wonderful family. Love isn't romance. Romance is when your face gets all red when your crush or date tells you he loves you, when you sit by the sea on a cloudless night listening to the waves.
Love... when someone or some people sit in your heart the whole day and you can't stop thinking about them. You spend your dreams planning how to make them genuinely happy. Its about caring for them, and them caring about you... Its about wanting to know what goes on in their lives everyday and wanting to help brighten their days. Appreciating them for who they are and what they have done for you.
And that's why i feel loved, because I have my mummy and my daddy and my brother and my sister... and of course my Buddee.
So Valentine's Day becomes a once in a year chance to show your love for those you care about.... those whom u have neglected for whole year and taken for granted. U could have made excuses the whole year round, but V-day is different.

On a different note... my BE exam was the most ridiculous exam ever(out of many more ridiculous exams). All variables were undefined, draw diagrams and label yourself... assume anything you want... and then come up with an answer... like HELLO???


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