Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Its supposed to be raining outside today... but i think my buddee's sms msg managed to turn the rain away! Too bad not strong enough to bring the sun out, but i'm not complaining. Long day today, class from 9-10.30, work in lab till 3, class from 3-4.30, badminton from 6-10. Now... where's the time to do homework??? Hahaha... good also lah. Less time to bum.
I think i'm beginning to get really irritated with ppl borrowing my notes. Its like I don't understand why people take me for granted and borrow my notes all the time. They just KNOW I will definitely go to class, so they think its ok if they don't go, since Jasmin's always got neat detailed pretty notes they can kop. Sometimes I feel guilty for thinking that i don't want to lend ppl my stuff... but sometimes I just feel as though people are taking me for granted.
I've got blisters on my toes! All thanks to the running... stuck 2 plasters on each little toe but still hurts *grimace*. Nevermind... no pain no gain! I better get to the lab soon before the rain comes...


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