Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I started another blog! first it was diaryland, but that became rather depressing after a while. then xanga, but i didn't like the look of the page. So now, blogspot. I love Legolas!! Buddee dun be jealous ok? I just think he is very cute and cool... and you also know, me and Legolas is bu ke neng de...Why did I get a blog?Well partly cos my bro got a blog... so how can I not follow him??? HAHAHAHA.. korkor hope u are reading this! YEAH. I did want to set up one blog where i can put my less depressing and more thoughtful thoughts. So here goes... let's see how long this one will last.....

I ran 6.2 miles today, that's 9.97km, in one hour!! Yay! On track to get my fitness back... I have some hidden ambition to run a marathon someday.... let's see if I ever get to that. But I feel fitter already, which is good. Kind of tough when I first hit the treadmill again this semester.. but the work's been paying off. After a year of life away from netball and avoidance etc etc, I think i've finally reached a point where i'm starting to plan my return. Took me that long to convince myself that I can and will go back to the national team somehow... yeah somehow i've just got to get back there. I think sometimes my competitive spirit really drives me nuts. Like I can't just be normal and be like other people... there's something in me that constantly tells me that all this is not enough and I have to do more more more more. Good or bad? I can't decide.

I miss Nick. But things are going well.... time passes fast enough so that 5pm arrives before i know it and I can see him online again. Its a weird state of mind, to be conscious of both sad and happy thoughts at the same time.

Badminton at Penn State was so much fun! I love travelling with the team... though Penn State really screwed up the whole tournament and organized it really badly, it was so enjoyable spending my whole Saturday with such a lovely bunch of people. I'm glad Roy shared a bit of himself with me, and I got to know him a lot better during that 3 hour ride to Penn State. Next up, Northeasy Inter-Collegiate Badminton tournament at Swarthmore on Feb 15.


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