Saturday, April 30, 2005

Person on my mind now is....

This is the person I miss most now. My little sister Nicole. I can't wait to see her in 2 weeks time... She's the one person who never takes me for granted, shares all her food with me, tries to comfort me when I'm sad, plays board games with me and lets me win sometimes, and is amused by my silliness. She's 9 years old now, but she's incredibly thoughtful and "dong shi" for her age. This photo was taken on her first day in primary school... I'm so glad I was there :) Posted by Hello

Below is a picture taken at Kang Ji Noodle House in Geylang Room. They have very very yummy Beef Brisket Hor Fun. My brother and I are well known patrons of Kang Ji and we have consumed (as well as returned) a lot of meals there. HAHAHAHAHA KOR ONLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND!! My sister has not progressed to Beef Brisket Hor Fun yet. She is currently in the Xian Xia mian phase. My mum eats Ipoh Hor Fun all the time. My dad eats BBHF too. That's how I got hooked. Posted by Hello

Praises for the week:

1. For care-package delivery on Thursday night. It was wonderful seeing smiles on mugger faces, and it was even more wonderful spending a couple of hours with Peiying and Roy strolling around campus visiting places we won't be seeing for some time

2. For living water folks who take the initiative to organize informal fellowship on Friday

3. For my dear mummy... whom I just spent the past hour discussing MIT housing options with. She actually looked through all the websites and took note of the sizes of the rooms and commented that some were bigger than HDB 3 room flats, some seem to have better ventilation, some were too expensive for a one year stay... etc etc. Eventually, we chose the same place. Cool huh I love my mum.

4. God has been a pillar of strength for some of my dearest friends in Penn, and I so glad that they made it through the week even though they were really challenged.


I've been frustrated lately... have had many things on my mind. Things I don't really want to deal with, things I want to deal with but don't know how to, things I want to deal with and know how to but procrastinate for no reason and then get frustrated at my own procrastination. But today, I feel... blessed. And I think... things will be just fine and I'll be ok.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah, just one more day and you can meet the person you miss most. I'm sure you'll have great time with them.

6:43 AM  

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