Thursday, April 28, 2005

Emoticon Extravaganza Posted by Hello

So. This is a very artistic representation of the emoticon *BEG*. Drawn by none other than Canuf. I would have added a cool signature to the pic, but i can't use the draw tool. So you see how the Lau family is. We waste time. Ms Lau by playing with emoticons throughout the night. Mr Lau by Drawing out the emoticons on msn. Is this a family trait? Genes? Good question indeed. I think, it's how our mother raised us. She never lets us waste time. She'd do our art homework for us... and very frequently homeworks for other subjects too. So now that we're 21 and 22 year olds, we need to waste all the time we haven't been able to waste when we were kids. Ok, I'm not saying that art homework was a waste of time. But my mum thought so. She said that she'd rather us take a nap or look at green trees (to improve our eyesight) rather than draw pictures of "My Favorite Cup".

Ok NOW IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. That's why i sleep so little now!!!! Oh man I just stumbled on the TRUTH. My mum is a GENIUS. She totally prepared me for college... she knew that I'd need all the time I could have in college, so she builds this big "time account" for us!

Cool. I hope she doesn't find out we use the time in our "time accounts" to play with emoticons and to draw emoticons. I also hope she doesn't mind me staring at ESPN NBA real time updates from 9pm to 12midnight.


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