Saturday, August 19, 2006

Today I took an Easterly route but did not wander far before I got a call from my dad, requesting for some help to make some calls. My mum had prepared a shipment of 8 parcels for my dad, and they were supposed to arrive today. However, some misunderstand had occurred and for some reason, the freight company refused to deliver until Monday. On Monday I am leaving Copenhagen, and my dad has a board meeting, so no one will be around to receive the parcels. Hence it was my duty to sort things out. Fast forward -- parcels arrived at 6pm after much much hassle and frustration. I then spent 2 hours unpacking everything -- which includes kaya and milo, my dad's mini amplifier set, bolsters and pillows, detergent and listerine, Ma Ling luncheon meat, Lee Kum Kee XO Sauce, herbs, dried foods and a million other things. At the end of it, I thought to myself, wah at home also dun have so many goodies man.

Dinner menu today was:
1. Carrot Onion Potato Soup with lots of pepper, cooked with chicken drumstick bones. The chicken drumstick meat was used to make
2. Stir fried chicken a light curry sauce with some cauliflower and tomatoes
3. Stir fried cabbage with dried shrimps

I found the precious book and am now reading it. But I started to feel really sad after a while, and my mind started to fill up with thoughts...


Charades, Christinas and CXY
Potlucks, Pot Pies and Pyramids

Badminton and Baguettes
Stalingrad and ShanghaiGate
Flour and Full Metal Jacket

Wine Gums, Whole Foods and World Cup
Jellyfish, Jeepers and Jeopardy

Hugs and Tears
On a solo chair for two.



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