Wednesday, March 02, 2005

1. For the snow bulldozer that cleared the pavement for me to walk on on Monday night. I was feeling moody cos I stayed in Towne Building to do work till almost 11pm at night, and had to walk 6 streets home after that. I was wearing my running shoes which would have been completely soaked if I had to trudge through the deep snow that had accumulated throughout the day. But God sent me that snow-dozer to clear the pavement for me. So my shoes are dry and I could play bball today in them and run in them too!
2. For His healing hands. I'm feeling much better... physically and mentally. Somehow, in the midst of all that worrying.... it really helps to know that God never forsakes us and that should anything happen, we're headed for a much better place.
3. For caring friends... I really appreciate the concern (you know who you are).... even though everyone's busy and having midterms and lots to do... you always ask how i'm feeling. Talking to you cheers me up always.
4. For a helpful friend -- who helped me with my programming hmwork on Tuesday night. The hmwork is due on Wed morning at 10am and there's nooooo way i could have woken up early on Wed to do the hmwork. What's more, my laptop is dying so I can't download the program into my laptop so I can only work on the homework from the school lab. (the lab that is 6 streets away). I usually spend like... 4-5 hours on ONE programming homework... so there was really no way I could have finished it if not for my wonderful friend :)
5. For Mr. Incredible. When you feel really helpless and lonely, you will realize who matters most to you, who you'll want to call when you feel totally lost... who you'll trade all your possessions for. These past few days I've learnt so much... about treasuring what you have, what you've been blessed with. It's so easy to complain and whine about what you don't have, but why do that when you don't even have enough time to enjoy all the joys given to you?
6. For And 3 -- my intramural bball team. Such a joy to play or pseudo-train with. Training = playing pick-up games on a Saturday afternoon. I love the way strangers can bond so fast through sports... :)
7. For being able to sit here and write endlessly about praises... I could go on and on and on. Everyday there's so much to praise our faithful Lord for. Just need to be a little more aware of how He is working around you, and you'll realize how much He gives to you despite your shortcomings.

I attended a talk of Behavioral Game theory last Friday. I remember thinking after the talk... isn't it interesting how sometimes we try to guess what God would do and then try and make our own decisions based on those guesses? Like... if I do this, I think God will punish me with that and so I should do something not so bad but God will want me to do this instead... blah blah blah... sillie billies. Anyway of course the talk has nothing to do with religion... it was really interesting though. Especially the part about some Indonesian fishing tribe and how they portion out their catch according to the different roles that each villager plays in a whale hunting expedition. I'm going to borrow the book tomorrow.... think it's called "Foundations of human sociality : economic experiments and ethnographic evidence from fifteen small-scale societies" by Joseph Henrich

Spring Break from Mar 5-12 -- Headed for Alternate Spring Break in Kincaid, West Virginia!
Mar 12-Mar15 -- Headed for Boston!


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