The CRUNCH bar
Life isn't so bad when you have tiny pleasures to get you through the day. While stumbling through my packed day and trying to plan my assault strategy on work (in other words, procrastinating the actual doing of the work), a suggestion was made by dondonburi to escape reality by indulging in a Crunch bar. Although I did not heed the valuable advice there and then, since I was in class (and accidentally also on msn), I could only obtain the crunch bar 1.5 hours later. The passing of time may have reduced the efficacy of the crunch bar therapy, but based on physiological and emotional response of the subject, it can be concluded that the incremental cost-effectiveness of a Crunch bar compared to other inferior alternatives, is excellent.
To show appreciation for the Crunch, this blog entry is hereby dedicated to the species from the Nestle genus -- Crispo oryza candella Chocolato.
Nestle Crunch was born in 1938, the second offspring of the Nestle couple. Crunch's elder sibling, born in 1919, was known as the Milk Chocolate bar.
Although their grandparents were from Switzerland, they were true blue Americans. Crunch was uniquely different from Milk Chocolate. It was born as crisped rice mixed with milk chocolate, and was named after that sound made when someone tries to chew at it.
Around the same time Crunch was born, its star potential was quickly noted by the Nestle family nemesis -- H**shey. The evil twin was thus born, named Kr*ckel. Hah! Just the thought of the "krackling" sound alone makes this candy bar sound eeeevil.
The next generations of Nestle descendents never quite earned the same amount of respect as Crunch. Take 100 Grand Bar for example, born in 1966, made of caramel and crisped rice with milk chocolate. The caramel infusion doesn't do the trick at all... it will probably only be popular if sold beside a slot machine in Las Vegas. This is the only place I can imagine someone hallucinating the sound "100 grand 100 grand" while munching on a candy bar.
--- Sincere apologies.... the author needs to return to reading about Saccharin and rats for the time being.
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