As I was running on the treadmill last night, I started thinking about.... Eggs. How come White Eggs are cheaper than Brown Eggs? Are they of inferior quality? I wanted to find out, but I had to wait until I was done with my run, since the "ok-because-i-have-to-find-out-about-eggs" reason was not a good reason to stop the treadmill (even though its validity increased with each minute that passed). Ok fine so maybe everyone knows the difference, except for me... and for that you can laugh at me if you want, but curiosity was killing the mao, so when I came home, (you guessed it) I googled it.
Tadang!! So the shell color of the egg is determined by the breed of the chicken. White eggs come from white chickens and brown eggs from brown chickens! "The color difference is due to the specific breed of hen, according to the Egg Nutrition Center. Hens with white feathers and white earlobes will lay white eggs, whereas hens with red feathers and matching-colored earlobes give us brown eggs." Even though there is no difference between white and brown eggs other than the shell color, brown eggs are slightly more expensive because the breeds that lay them are larger and require additional food.
The most common breeds of chickens whose eggs we enjoy are the White Leghorn, the Rhode Island Red, and the New Hampshire. The first is White, the other two are brown.
Hmm. Imagine what chickens who lay these eggs would look like.
Please eat cageless eggs only! Stop the cruel treatment to animals!
trevor used to buy eggs from a certain farm that leaves a weekly update note in its eg box. Once the chicken farm burnt down and trevor cried.
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